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logo Lift Freight Services GmbH

Lift Freight Services GmbH

(Frankfurt, Germany, Branch Offices)

ID: 112526
Enrollment: Nov 27, 2017
Expires:Nov 26, 2019
Member of:
Association / Certificate / License
The company employs a young and driven team of well trained professionals with many years of experience in international logistics. Lift Freight Services specializes in airfreight but ocean freight, project logistics, international trucking and warehousing are playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day business. Due to our close relation with many of the A-list air and ocean lines, we can offer extremely competitive rates. Combined with our prime service, there is no need to look further for a partner. We take pride in our fast and complete response, quotes and handling and would be honored to assist you with any freight requirement you might have.

Im Taubengrund 23,Kelsterbach (FRA Airport),Germany D65451

Contact Details:
Phone: +49.6107.698.9550
Website: www.liftfreight.com
Email: fra.sales@liftfreight.com
Office Contacts:
Name: Michael Von Harnier
Title: General Manager
Email: fra.sales@liftfreight.com
Name: Maarten Bolten
Title: Sales Director
Email: sales@liftfreight.com